020 3603 4390

How it Works

OUR Managed Print Services for YOUR customers.

Managed Print Service – reduce your customers printing costs and earn commission every step of the way.

We tailor our Partner Programs to you and your customers specific requirements.  We provide a highly competitive package that enables you to increase your revenue from your existing clients and broaden your product offering.

We provide the expertise required to sell Multifunctional Managed Copy and Print Services to your customers. We can provide both background sales support to your sales team or liaise directly with your customers on your behalf to identify your customers printing, copying and document management requirements. This can be done on a visual or as a ‘white label’ partnership to your organisation.

How do you benefit? Our partners can receive a share of the initial sale of the machine (or rental payments) AND on every page your customers print and copy.   We are responsible for the supply, installation, user training and maintaining the equipment throughout its life. Our Partners benefit from every page their customers print!

How does your customer benefit?
Your customers benefit from our wealth of experience and receive all inclusive support from one source that covers the equipment, delivery, installation, support, maintenance and all toners, we also provide your customers with product training.  There are no hidden charges and no maximum print volumes.

Most importantly though your customer makes a huge saving over the cost of using their conventional desktop printers (usually 30% or more).

Contact us and find out more…..